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Soul Drive

At Club CHI-CHI in Daejon South Korea!
They play popular tunes along with songs on the Philippine Top 100 Songs of All Time.  They perform 7 nights a week everyday of the month except for the first Sunday of every month.  Brutal schedule, deshoo?

Oooooooo... it's the band.
Cool promo pic, isn't it?

The band is Ice, Fire and Casper (vocals), Buddy on keyboards, Roehl on bass and Jovie the drummer I only spoke with once or maybe twice.
Our friends Sung-Eun and Hae-Jun took us to Club Chi-Chi one night when we said we wanted to hear live music.  They said "The club has a Philippine band."  We gasped. "Philippine band!?!"  Yee-Haw, we rushed off to Club Chi-Chi, which is behind Time World Department store in Daejon.
The band is from Manila and the last few weeks we were in Korea we would go off to see them play.  After having a mango at my place Soul Drive was Sara's second taste of Philippine culture.
"If the Philippines is anything like this I am going to have a great time!" said Sara Griffiths
who as of this writing is scuba diving in Malapascua, an island a bit off the northwestern coast of Cebu Island.  I think she still likes the Philippines...
Anyhow, the band plays seven nights a week every day of the month except for one, the first Sunday of the month.
If you are ever in Daejon, go see them play.  They are only into their fourth month of a year long contract so they'll be there for a while.

Scenes from Club Chi-Chi:

Soul Drive under the lights.
Mood lighting...

Chi-Chi Madness!
The cocktails are good too!

Yeah, I play bass; I am bad-ass.
'Taint no honeys lookin' at Casper; theys all lookin' at ME!

More mood lighting for the music...
Casper, Fire and Ice look so happy! Must be the Samgyap sal.

Buddy showing off his animal magnetism!

Let's hide the drummer!
Doesn't he have great hair?

Q: What do you call a drummer who loses his girl?
A: Homeless

The band that plays together...
... keeps up with the rhythm section.

Here are some pictures of them not working.  Yes, musicians are normal people, sort of.

What? Not working?
The bartender, who's a very friendly guy sitting with Roehl, Fire, Casper and Jovie.

They all look like they have had something yummy.
Smiles in the green room... why?

Ice, Casper and Fire - the vocal section.
They must be thinking about leaving Korea; they look too happy!

Fire, by herself.
This looks like it was taken in a PC Bahng in Daejon.