December 6th: We'll put the Thanksgiving pictures online as soon as we finish the roll!
November 10th: Everything's all up to date now! Just added the pictures from our trip to
Hong Kong this weekend. Also, we added a sitemap 'cause the site's getting kinda big. All the new stuff is in the 'in the
Philippines'-section of the site...
May 5th: Moved into our new house in Cebu Monday - And yes, we do have an extra room for
when all of you guys come to visit!
April 16th: Earl just put his New Year's letter for 2004 online!
April 10th: A bomb has been dropped: Earl's job is being relocated, so we're moving back to Cebu
in a couple of weeks! Yea! :)
February 5th: Just put our Tet-pictures online, and the pictures from Earl's birthday...
February 2nd: Had my 42nd birthday yesterday. On Saturday I went to SPICE a Thai
restaurant on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai with three students, a few people I have met in Saigon and my buddy Ray-Ray. I'll
post the pictures soon. I also went to the Underground to hear some tunes and the Underground guys gave me a couple
of birthday shots. They always want to hold their balls when they take celebratory drinks, I don't know why.
January 14th: Finally put another batch of pictures online; Saigon through December
and January. We're still bopping along here... got an SMS from Sara the other day, she's back in Cebu. Three trips to the
Philippines in four months...
October 30th: The latest quirk of Saigon internet: At the moment it's completely impossible
to view .jpg images on webpages here, so we apologize if the new pictures seem to be placed somewhat haphazardly or if
some of the captions are wrong, as we had to do it all from memory!
October 25th: Success! Finally managed to upload the first few. Sorry about the selection,
folks, we'll take a few more pictures of Vietnam as soon as we buy another camera. Putting the last pictures
from Cebu & the ones from Manila on the page tomorrow...
October 10th: Still trying to upload the first few pictures from Vietnam, but strangely,
it's almost impossible to find a computer to upload from here - sorry about that!
October 1st: Arrived in Vietnam about two weeks ago... Earl's happy working, Simone's happy
not working. So far. Still staying in a hotel - now The Giang So'n Guest House, but we're getting pretty tired of living
out of a suitcase. Can't wait to find an apartment.
August 24th: Putting the first pictures from the wedding online today.
August 22nd: We are now a married couple.
August 20th: Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!
August 17th: Just put the Bohol pictures online!
August 16th: Today our friends, Brett and Kyoko, arrived from Japan... later on Shifty
Larry arrived from Korea.
August 14th: Came back from Bohol today, had our fittings (Earl's barong and Simone's dress),
then we received a call from uncle Dodong who told us we had to move the wedding. Again. Apparently the fact that Aug. 22nd
is a national holiday slipped by everyone - including the judge who is going to perform the ceremony!! So, the wedding is
now on August 21st...
August 3rd: Just finished uploading the first batch of pictures from the Philippines
- we'll put them on the site as soon as we have the time.
July 26th: Arrived in the Philippines early Thursday morning, so now we're enjoying the good
life! Good food, cheap movies and tequila and mango juice all around. pictures will be up shortly...
Early June: After living in Iksan, Korea for the past year I am ready to go! Simone
and I plan on being married on the 23rd of August in Cebu. We hope to have lots of friends (ours) and family (mostly
mine) there for our wedding.
We also hope that our wedding will be the most tasteful low-budget affair you will find in Asia. Hope you can